Routes network Goldcrest Valley mod for Fs17.
Version 1.2
1. Stretching all the protesters are all error-free
2. Fields From 21 to 31 are accessible and a loading point is also set up
3. Fields from 10 to 20 still do check
4. Route sections new driven in
Hello autodrive friends
As discussed, I have the permission is obtained.
Since I got a posefull message about the routes network Goldcrest Valley.
And you want the possibility.
Important: If you are using a network, you will be able to access the Internet from anywhere in the world.
Copy this file to the AutoDriveInport
AD: Export routes and AD: routes.
The two documents, AD: routes Expotiren with Ctrl + F7 and AD: routes Intrins with Ctrl + F8 and then save everything.
Start your Dan Winning score and boarding a vehicle with the Srrg + F8 Press and trackside worth.
To keep the stretch
DOWNLOAD(Mirror Server #1)