Papenburg meets Ammerland Map for FS17.
So dear Ls municipality it is again so far, a new map from my house holding detail in Ls 17.
This time, it is a mixed map which shows 2 authentic parts of the region. Once the half of the map from a part Papenburger Map and a part from the Ammerland, more precisely north of Oldenburg something east of Borbeck.
The whole was actually built during the building on request of my faithful Ls companion jan Aden who gladly wanted to get a part of this area reconstructed to realize a video project on it. Shortly, I had considered why not combine both. And so the map arose.
So much for that.
You can find a small teaser for the videoprojekt in the videos.
Conception and planning:
Jimkerk and Epicfarming (Jan Aden)
Implementation and construction:
Tests and video gameplay:
Jimkerk, Henning Mahler, Epicfarming,
LPG Sauerland,
Pill, toilet paper18
a big thank you!!!
Standard map with standard fruit varieties.
Large farm with cows and pigs incl. Biogas plant.
24 Arable farming and several showed in various sizes with ditches.
Different economic buildings.
Lu hof incl sheep
7 freiland silos with different sizes of c.a 600m3-4500m3 liters and a combined driving silo with approx. 24000m3
Literary capacity
Chickens in the neighboring
Additionally in the PC version still the Slowsaw by slowtide63
In the console version (release a little later)
The space is free for placable buildings!
Naja the usual halt ... all Ls 17 features
Multi and Dediserver Ready
Required Mods:
Cornmill Trailer
Credit(s):Konzeption und Planung: Jimkerk und Epicfarming(Jan Aden) Umsetzung und Bau: Jimkerk Tests und Video Gameplay: Jimkerk,Henning Mahler,Epicfarming, LPG Sauerland, Pille,Klopapier1 Verschiedene gebäude von verschiedenen Erstllern Vielen Dank dafür Sägewerk-slowsaw : slowtide63
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