FS17 MAN TGS 18.480 with Jenz HEM583 Woodcrusher V 1.1

Man TGS 18.480 with Jenz HEM583 Woodcrusher Truck mod for FS17. Version 1.1 - Supporting feet added. These have their own blinkers and a separate control group. Switch on these and then extend the feet to the desired setting. - Shop description adapted - Switch on the truck replaced by switching on the chopper - The problem with the pipe will not be solved. It folds to the side it is on. As a result, it can pass through the crane when folded. However, does not cause any problems since it has no collision. - First crane boom can be slightly higher. Unfortunately it does not go on. In my tests, I was able to bring all the tree trunks without problems to the chopper! - minor bug fixes After a long time, here is my first big mod in the first version! It is a MAN TGS 18.480 with Jenz HEM583 Woodcrusher on the Back and a Ponsse Crane. Please Notice: This is not a reality. Mod or something like that! I do not know if this vehicle is exsisting in real or not. I do not care, it's more fun-mod! If you do not like it, just do not download it. What is working so far: - Woodcrusher works withour any problem - Fold and Unfold Table is working - Pipe is working - Cranecontrol is working - Trailers can stiill be used with the additional Hitch - Colorpick for both truck and woodcrusher - Shopgraphics included - Controlgroups for Crane / Pipe / Support Legs - Truck can drive without problems, but care! It is really heavy, do not drive to fast! And the most Important: The Log is Error-Free! What is NOT working and planned: - Support-Legs come with next version! This is a first version to test it! - Store-Description is still the truck, it will be changed - Pipe is unfolding to the wrong direction - Crane does not have drive-locking, it is planned!

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