FS17 – Krone TX 430 High Trailer V1

Krone TX 430 High Trailer mod for FS17. Krone TX 430 Special Edition. We added a litte more capacity. Increased from 46.000 to 200.000 Also the reloading took to long so we increased that also a litte. We also added Manure, Patato and Sugerbeet. We know it not normal but its very handy. Price: 87.000€ Daily: 150€ Capacity: 200.000 liters FillTypes: WoodChips, chaff, barley, wheat, rape, soybean, maize, sunflower, silage, forage, grass_windrow, straw, dryGrass_windrow, seeds, fertilizer, manure, potato, sugarBeet

Landei and Rolam

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