FS17 – GroundResponse.lua V 1.4.1

GroundResponse.lua mod for FS17. Version 1.4.1 ZIP - sinking behavior now also depends on the tire width as well as the tire diameter - on dry paddles slightly more grip, less fast sinking - Max. Sinking depth increased by 8% Hi guys This is for all those who who have a little bit. On dry and very wet soil. Have to the "GroundResponse.lua" from the For "RealModule 3: Ground Response" by Giants significantly edited. This is just in the "For Real module 3: Ground Response" is inserted, and thus the standart "GroundResponse.lua" replaced ("Update Mods" in the main menu in the game Only, and there the "for Real module 3: GroundResponse" Update must-characterized "my" .lua "simply overwritten on the standard). Changes: Deeper sinking of the wheels, especially in humid Much less traction through the deeper sinking of the wheels More influence of tire diameter and width to the sinking behavior Charge now causes deeper sinking of the wheels Less uncontrolled tipping on the road Wheels fall more by physical influences, eg curve centrifugal, cant go on a slope, uneven ground Travel at speeds of over 25 km / h on soft or uneven ground LS 17, this is the reason for me to try it by yourself remodel soil behaviourreason 3: Ground response are for already All options given-but not implemented.


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