Category: FS17 Placeable Buildings
Placeable Lamp mod for FS17. Clean log
Placeable Trees Set mod for FS17.
Placeable Slurry Seperator mod for Fs17. You can separate your manure with this building. This means that manure is separated into solid and liquid constituents. The end products are litter (straw) and fermentation residues....
Placeable Fermenter mod for FS17. This placeable fermenter can be filled with chaff or grass and will ferment these ingredients into silage. Fill volume (Input): 100.000 l Efficiency / h: 15.000 l
Placeable Slurry Storage mod for FS17. Capacity: 500.000 liters
Placeable Waterpumpstation Freewater mod for FS17. The placeable version of pump station. I improved the textures in comparison to the FS15 version. Although it is a placeable mod it can be placed in the...
Placeable Fermenter 5000 – (Fermenting Silo) mod for FS17. Version 1.3 Updated factory Script and Additional Triggers. CoursePlay is now supported The Fermenter 5000 is an all in one fermenting silo. This fermenting silo...
Placeable Mixing Station GTXM mod for FS17. Version 1.3 Updated factory Script and Additional Triggers. CoursePlay is now supported The GTXM (MS-2001) is an all-in-one TMR / Forage mixer. This high output mixing station...
Placeable Saegewerk V1.1 and Fabrikscript v 2.1.5 for FS17. Das Fabrikscript ist wieder zurück und somit auch das bekannt Sägewerk. Zum Betrieb wird Brennstoffe (Hackschnitzel, Strohballen oder Wollepaletten) und Holzstämme benötigt. Daraus wird Abfall...
Placeable Hochsilo for FS17. Mit diesem Hochsilo kannst du dein Häckselgut (oder Grass) zu Silage silieren lassen. Nach dem abkippen und dem automatischem silieren, kannst du die Silage am Silotrigger abholen. Am Silotrigger hast...