Category: FS17 Placeable Buildings
Caviar Production mod for FS17. For the fish farming the caviar production and a sales building for our products only live trout are for further processing. Delivery live trout products caviar in drums and...
Placeable DDR Lamp mod for FS17. Hi ls hir for you times a DDRLamp placeable; The mod in your mod folder Ativiern plaziern and that’s it. Construction costs 200 a day 3 euros, due...
Placeable Water Refill Tank mod for FS17. Placeable water tank where you can fill up tankers with water for animals and greenhouses.
Placeable Jersey Barrier mod for FS17. This is a placeable Jersey barrier. The tip collsion is not functioning yet but will be if I find how to solve the issue. The price in store...
Placeable Vehicle Shelter mod for FS17. Sorry, i have made a texture error. Please change Version 1.0 to 1.1 in your mods folder! Version 1.1 – Various texture errors fixed Vehicle Shelter (placeable) Vehicle...
Placeable Ramp mod for FS17. Fully Animated Placeable Ramp Price: 5995 € Maintenance: 4 € / day
Placeable Pig Food Mixer (PF-5000) mod for FS17. Version 1.5.1 Small Fixes as listed below: 1. Fix reported issue with grass not deleting from under placeable. 2. Can now be placed closer to other...
Placeable Trees mod for FS17. I have converted this mod from Fs15. Have fun with the mod 🙂 Trees: 2x15m 1x17m 3x30m 1x40m 1x45m
Placeable Bakery mod for FS17. Bakery placeable with placeable sales trigger and standard fruit: And the next building I would like to share with you is a small bakery freely placeable, with standard fruits...
Placeable Pig Food Mixer (PF-5000) mod for FS17. GIANTS UPDATE 1.4.4 Required This high output mixing station outputs 1500 Litres per hour with a capacity of 150000 Litres. Version 1.5 Fabrik Script v