Case 721e Loader for DLC2 BGA inc. shovel (English)

OK, this is my first edit of a mod so please be kind. I make no claim for credit but have made the following changes :

1. Increased Downforce.
2. Added 6x Compacting to the loader.
3. Made the shovel compatible with DLC2 BGA silos etc.
4. Converted it to work with English FS2011.
5. Combined the Loader and Shovel into one mod for ease.

This loader is perfect for busy MP silage games that use the BGA but cannot keep up with the flow of vehicles with loads. The 6x compacting makes life a breeze and the 5x shovel capacity empties the silo’s in no time. When emptying the shovel into the BGA you will need to wait until it empties.

I have tested this in career mode and MP, everything works barring one little niggle. Sometimes you are unable to buy the shovel in MP, if it is bought in career mode you then save the game and it works perfect in MP so thats the work around for now until I can pin down just what is happening.

Modell: Giants
Ingame: fabilehner
Umbau/Skin: Alfkiller, Fisker & Bindesboel
Edit: Mofa-Killer
Script: Face, sven777b

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