FS17 – 53 Wabash Trailer V1.0

53 Wabash Trailer mod for FS17. Has Sliding Tandems on Mouse Control and Rear Doors Open with Keypad 7 for Left Door Keypad 9 for Right Door. Trailer Has Lock Down Script on Key X and Also Has Straps to Strap Your Load Down.

Ivan aka. Hardtruckisthebest, trailer and textures Superman, landinggear (reworked by Ivan and Yankee Trucker) Dciving aka. Codfish :D, shadowmodel Bruno77, company skins Ventyres, rims and hub (reworked by Bora) Cascadia, tyre texture Bora, tyres, lightmask, retexturing, scaling and convertion amt, updated to 1.5 fixed missing textures Conversion to FS 17 Unlimited Modding II

DOWNLOAD(Mirror Server #1)

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