200 HP, multicolor, mirrors, speedometer and tachometer, washable, 70 € sale price, rye, barley, corn, potatoes, oilseed rape, sugarbeet, wheat, pears, carrots, peppers, chilli, cucumber, strawberries, cherries, cauliflower, lettuce, olives, onions, paprika, apricot, peach, plum, tomato, melon , fertilizer, flour, barley flour corn, wheat flour, oat potatoes, brawn, salt, seeds, sugar, wheat bread, yogurt, fruit jelly, sandwich, beer, milk, cheese, butter, sunflower oil and olive oil fruit type. Zil 4331 Truck for Farming Simulator 15.
Credit(s): Pira Metr, Eraevgenij, modall, irakls, werik, Silak_68, SpeedySC1978, sanya1970, henly20, Norther_Strike, Siwus, Mythbuster, irakls, Koral
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